Artist Focus: Robert John Watson

Robert John Watson. (b.1969) is a professional, award winning fine art photographer. His pictures range from subtle seascapes to vast industrial landscapes. First using a Kodak Instamatic camera at the age of 5 in the early 70s, it is natural that he still has a preference for film photography. Winning Warrington Contemporary Arts Festival in 2017 and following that with a sell out show were catalysts for Watson to turn professional.

2018 brought an invitation to hold a three month long solo exhibition at Manchester Central Library, one of Manchester’s most iconic buildings. A show of this scale requires two years planning, shooting and production but little did anyone know what 2020 would bring. The exhibition opened in August 2020 but the building was soon shut by lockdown rules. Watson is holding another major solo exhibition at Manchester Central Library from October to December 2023. In 2022, he has solo exhibitions confirmed for London and his hometown of Warrington.